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The Creed of the Air Force Society of Cardiopulmonary Technologists
I am a United States Air Force Cardiopulmonary Technologist, a highly skilled enlisted medical professional. With knowledge obtained in a very demanding technical school, I am relied upon by physicians and their patients to provide a complete and quality medical care in pulmonary and cardiology diagnostic and interventional procedures and RESPIRATORY CARE.
When assigned to perform primarily as a pulmonary or cardiology technologist, I will obtain the best possible physiologic data to assist physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac and pulmonary diseases. I am a valuable member of the entire health care team, educating patients and setting the example for developing healthier lifestyle. From performing an electrocardiogram or pulmonary function to assisting in a cardiac catheterization; I will remember, I Am here for my patient.
As a Respiratory Care Practitioner, I have the honor of performing my wartime mission. I am required to be knowledgeable, skillful and versatile in simple to complex means to maintain adequate ventilation. I am found providing my respiratory care skills in a large medical center, a military community hospital, or a high above the ground as a member of a critical care air transport team. My patients range from the very young infant struggling to enter this world to the elderly, experiencing the final moments of life. My patients maybe suffering from chronic pulmonary disease to those wrestling with acute wartime injuries. From maintaining ventilation with simple medicinal treatments to transporting a critically ill ventilator dependent patient, I will remember, I am here for my patient.
I am proud to be an airman serving my country as a United
States Air Force cardiopulmonary technologist. Blessed with the education and skills to assist in resuscitating a life is an honor. From serving the needs of a small clinic to the fast paced medical center, I will remember,
I am here for my patient, always at the heart of patient care ...